Scientific name: Vauquelinia

Family: Rosaceae

General name: beete, and satisal.

English name– The Blackwood, Rosewood

Hindi name– Sheesham, Sheesho

Sanskrit name– Shinshapa, Krishnasara

Telugu name– Irubuddhu, Shishupa

 Rose plant Advantages:

Medicinal benefits of Sheesham tree:

  1. Aids in Dermatoses-
  • Mix the mucilage of its leaves in sweet oil.
  • Apply this mixture on the bruised damages skin.
  • Or, give 50-100 ml decoction of its leaves to the patient, twice a day.
  • It cures boils and ulcers effectively.
  1. Helpful cure in Sciatica-
  • Take 10 kg powder of its thick bark, and boil it in 23.5 litre water.
  • Boil until the water is reduced to 1.8th.
  • Strain the solution through a cloth and cook it again, till gets thick.
  • Give 10 gm of this thick liquid with ghee mixed milk, thrice a day.
  • Continue the dosage for 21 days. It cures the disorder completely.
  1. Good in fever-
  • In any kind of fever, take 20 gm of its extract in 320 ml water and 160 ml milk.
  • Boil the solution, until only milk is left.
  • Give this to the patient thrice a day.
  1. Heals Ulcers–
  • Apply the oil of Sheesham on the affected area.
  • It helps cure itching, burning sensation and also heals ulcers.
  1. Normalizes over bleeding in Menstrual cycle-
  • Take 8-10 sheesham leaves and grind them with 25 gm sugar.
  • Give this to the patient twice a day.
  • Within a few days, it normalizes the bleeding.
  • In addition it is also good for leucorrhoea and urinary disorders in males.
  • In winters, along with this 4-5 black peppers must also be given to the patient.
  • Diabetics can use this without adding sugar.