Scientific name: Syzygium aromaticum

Family: Myrtaceae

Order: Myrtales

Common name: lavanga

Advantages of clove:

  1. Promotes Digestion: Cloves improve digestion by stimulating enzyme secretions and increases digestive motility. Cloves are best used for easing flatulence, gastric irritability, dyspepsia, and nausea.
  2. Controls Diabetes: Cloves are best for people with high blood sugar levels. Research has found that cloves improve insulin sensitivity and aids in the efficient functioning of insulin.
  3. Good For Bones And Joints: Cloves are packed with hydro-alcoholic compounds such as eugenol and flavonoids that help increase the bone density and mineral content in bones. People with weak bones and osteoporosis are benefitted from taking cloves regularly.
  4. Boosts Immune System: The amazing ingredient, eugenol in clove is very effective against many harmful bacteria, fungus, and virus. The anti-viral and blood purification potential of clove decrease the toxicity in blood and increase the resistance against diseases by stimulating white blood cells.
  5. Reduces Body Pain And Inflammation: The eugenol in cloves possess strong anti-inflammatory properties and helps ease pain by stimulating pain receptors in the body. Clove oil or extract provides relief from arthritis, inflammation and any pain in general.
  6. Relieves Toothache: Clove oil is an effective remedy for dental pain, toothaches, sore gums, and mouth ulcers due to its germicidal properties. As per the American Dental Association clove oil has been approved as a dental anaesthetic.
  7. Prevents Cancer: To stay protected from cancer eat more cloves, as the eugenol in clove possess strong anticarcinogenic properties and helps control lung cancer, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer at its early stages.
  8. Eases Breathing: In these days and times of tough pandemic, always keep cloves handy for treating breathing difficulties. Patients suffering from bronchitis, asthma are often advised to inhale the smell of cloves for instant relief. Put some cloves on a hot pain and inhale those fumes for opening clogged airways and to east breathing difficulties. Add two drops of clove oil to your tea for cleansing the airways or chew on a piece of clove to soothe your sore throat.
  9. Stimulates Blood Circulation: Adding clove to your daily diet triggers metabolic activity and regulates body temperature. Loaded with antioxidants, cloves can purify blood and provide glow to the skin from within. If you are feeling stressed out, rub some warm clove oil on head, neck and back for instant relief and calm the mood.