Publications in International Conference:
- Gururaj Hatti
” Effect of Silicon Content on wear and Hardness of Al-Si Alloys” 2021,
ICFEST-2020, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1065
(2021) 012010 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1065/1/012010. (Scopus Index) Link
- Vishwanath V.H, Gururaj Hatti “Investigation of mechanical properties of Al6061/Graphite MMC fabricated by Stir casting method“2019, International
Conference on Recent Trends in Industrial Innovation, Value Engineering
& Management Sciences,28th-30th march 2019, Department of
Industrial engg., and Management,Dayananad sagar college of
engg,Bengaluru.ISBN 978-93-5346-737-1
- Susilendra Mutalikdesai, Akshay Hadapad, Sachin Patole, Gururaj Hatti “Fabrication
and Mechanical Characterization of Glass fibre reinforced Epoxy Hybrid
Composites using Fly ash/ Nano clay/ Zinc oxide as filler” 2018,IConMMEE
2018,IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 376 (2018)
012061 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/376/1/012061.
- Sushilendra Mutalikdesai, Amith V, G Sujaykumar, Gururaj Hatti “Experimental Investigation on Effect of different Ash Fillers on Mechanical and Wear Characteristics of Epoxy Glass Composites” 2015
International Conference On Emerging Trends in Science Technology
Engineering and Management 09-10, October 2015 | Malla Reddy Engineering
College, Hyderabad, Telangana.