Paper Presentation

Rules & Regulations:

  1. Maximum 2 participants per paper are allowed.
  2. Participants should submit the papers as per the mentioned theme.
  3. Participants are advised to mail the complete paper in IEEE format and presentation in .PPT format.
  4. Participants are requested to send their papers on the below mentioned respective department email address.
  5. The participants of shortlisted candidates will be informed by E-Mail ID or by Mobile.
    1. The selected teams have to bring a soft copy of paper in USB Device and 2 hard copies of

         paper at the time of presentation.

    1. Selected participants will be given 08 min. for paper presentation and 2 min. for query


    1. Decision of the judges and the event heads shall be treated as final.
    2. All the participated candidates will get participation certificates.
    3. Time limits should be strictly followed.
    4. The participants should come with their college ID Card.

ECE Department Topics

CSE Department Topics

EEE Department Topics

Mechanical Department Topics

Civil Department Topics

  1. Recent trends in Electronics
  2. Recent Trends in Communication systems
  3. Recent Trends in VLSI and Embedded Systems
  4. Recent Trends in Image Processing and Signal Processing


  1. Internet Of Things.
  2. Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
  3. Robotics.
  4. Network Security.
  5. Mobile computing systems.
  6. Information Technology.
  7. Distributed, parallel systems & Algorithms.
  • Advances in Electrical Vehicle Technology
  • Recent Developments in Electric Power System
  • Recent Trends in Renewable Energy Sector
  • Advances in Smart Grid
  • Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Intelligence in Electric Power System

i)                    Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering

ii)                  Application of IOT in Mechanical Engineering 

iii)                Role of Mechanical Engineers in development Electric Vehicles 

iv) Composite Materials

1.      Structural Engineering

2.      Transportation  Engineering

3.      Concrete Technology

4.      Water Resource  Engineering

5.      Environmental  Engineering

6.      Geotechnical  Engineering

Email Address :

ECE Dept.:

CSE Dept.:

EEE Dept.:

Mech Dept.:

Civil Dept.:

Staff Coordinators:

Student Coordinators:

ECE: Prof. Avinash Joshi (9449772543)

CSE: Dr. Shrinivas S (9923893452)

Mech:Prof. Sanjay Dambal   (7411844986)

EEE: Prof: M. Inamadar  (9380707873)

Civil:Prof. Seema R Basarikatti (7899230208)


ECE: Miss. Vaishnavi Nayak (7406888765)

CSE: Miss. Prachi Kulkarni (9483178478)

Mech: Mrutyunjaya (6364305618)

EEE:Spandana Munavalli  (8147531406)

Civil: Nandan Kulkarni  (9535559338)