Technical talk by Mr. Vinod Narayan on “Energy Saving and Lighting Technology” held on January 12, 2023,Technical talk by Mr. Vinod Narayan on “Energy Saving and Lighting Technology” held on January 12, 2023,Technical talk by Mr.Narayan Tosur on “Electric Vehicle” held on 15th December.Technical talk by Dr. C. Vyjayanthi on “SMART GRID” held on 19th December 2022.Technical talk by Dr. Suresh Mikkili on “Renewable & Energy Storage” held on 18th November 2022.One Day Hands On workshop On “Programmable Logic Controllers”heldon 18-07-2022One-Day Workshop On “Rewinding of AC Machine” DIVT Campus Haliyal Under the banner of IEI student chapter on 30 June 2022.One-Day Workshop On “Rewinding of AC Machine” DIVT Campus Haliyal Under the banner of IEI student chapter on 30 June 2022.Industrial Visit for 6th sem On 7th June 2022Industrial Visit for 6th sem On 7th June 2022Power house Ganesh Gudi visit for 8th sem on 15th june 2022Substation Haliyal Visit for 3rd sem on 26th Feb. 2022