Cultural Activities
University Level Elocution Competition
VTU had conducted regional level elocution competition on 22/12/2022 on the topic “Impact of NEP on Technical Education”. This competition was held in online mode , where college recorded speech of best 3 students from our college and uploaded it to the mentioned google drive. Hence in this regional level competition Miss.Sanjana Shivpurmath of 3rd semester E&C department stood 1st place and received a certificate and collection of books.

ABVP Cultural Fest-Mysore
ABVP had organized two days State level cultural fest at Karnataka state open university, Mysore on 13th and 14th May 2022.The students of VDIT participated.

A one day techno cultural event and a flagship event of VDIT was conducted on 11th June 2022, where in more than 5 neighbouring Engineering colleges with more than 400 students have actively participated in various technical events and also in cultural events. Nearly 35-40 participants participated in singing , dance and group dance events.