KLS VDIT Press note on “Nandi Ratha Yatra”
KLS VDIT Press note on “Republic Day Celebration at KLS VDIT”
KLS VDIT Press note on “Award to VDIT and Fund to laboratory”
KLS VDIT Press note on “Drivers Day Celebration”
KLS VDIT Press note on “Achievements by Staff and students”
KLS VDIT Press note on “Parents Meet”
KLS VDIT Press note on ” Prof. S.D.Kulkarni Retirement“
KLS VDIT Press note on “Visit by High school students“
KLS VDIT Press note on “Visit to Kadra Plant“
KLS VDIT Press note on “cybersecurity workshop“
KLS VDIT Press note on “MoU with Royan Enfield“
KLS VDIT Press note on “Multipurpose Agricultural Robot“
KLS VDIT Press note on “PhD Award to Prof. Mahsh Joshi”
KLS VDIT Press note on “Research Paper publication”
KLS VDIT Press note on ” Visit by DIVT students”
KLS VDIT Press note on ” Fund to Laboratory”
KLS VDIT Press note on “Driver’s Day”